Age 10 & 11

Addie and Pragya

Pragya and Addie profile

Fundraiser for Furry Friends!


Raised: $1,635

Project Event Date(s): 

Project description

We plan to raise the money by hosting a virtual trivia night. It will be family vs family and definitely enjoyable for everyone. Trivia categories will include questions about dogs, cats, Spalding (our school), and Sandy Springs/local businesses. The trivia night will be on Thursday, May 19th from 6:30-8 pm and will be hosted on Zoom using Kahoot!

To participate in our trivia night:

1. Please make a donation of choice right here on our page. We suggest a minimum donation of $5 a person or $20 per family.

2. RSVP here: (https://docs.googlcom/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenqjjinNvpmTQ5f6tm0KIzGtsm-rWPfCCAGbWqLKnXR1_6_A/viewform?usp=sf_link)

The overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trivia night winners will win fun prizes from our event sponsors! Donor names will also be chosen by chance throughout the event to win even more prizes from our sponsors. Please feel free to log on and watch even if you do not plan to participate in trivia. If you are not present during the event, you will be contacted afterwards if you win a prize.

Trivia will be hosted on Zoom and participants will enter their answers using Kahoot. It is suggested that your family use one device to watch the Zoom (questions will be shared on the host’s screen) and then another device to enter answers in Kahoot. Kahoot can be accessed online ( or the app can be downloaded ahead of time on your mobile device.

Here is the Zoom link for the event:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 4267 4323
Passcode: spalding

Don’t forget to RSVP by clicking here! 

Thank you for helping us help animals in need!

My project supports: Atlanta Humane Society

We chose to raise money for the Atlanta Humane Society because they rescue and take care of thousands of stray animals. They also work hard to find them a forever home. During the pandemic lots of people could not take care of their pets and had to give them up. This inspired us to make sure the animals of the humane society have enough resources to stay happy and healthy. Addie also adopted her two dogs from there!

Thank you to my donors!

  1. Kandanadan Veluswamy

  2. Anish Dosslin

  3. Mathura Gopalan

  4. Addie & Livvy Jones

  5. Alex Goldin

  6. Mr. Vereen

  7. Lauren Rubin

  8. Michele Langevin

  9. Ellen Swerdlin

  10. Christina Toole



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