Age 8

Cal L

Cal profile

Team Seas Excellent Movies


Raised: $1,526

Project Event Date(s): 

Project description

I plan to have a movie night where you can buy hot cocoa, pizza, popcorn, etc.

If you cannot come to my event but would like to help me reach my goal, you can make a tax deductible donation through this page.

Thank you for helping me save our planet!

My project supports: Team Seas

I was inspired by Mark Rober to do Team Seas charity.  I like to fish and fish get sick with trash in the ocean and team seas helps clean it up.

Here is a video that shows a little bit more about Team Seas. 



Thank you to my donors!

  1. All of the event supporters

  2. Julie Blanchard

  3. Cheryl Ingram

  4. Dave Malter

  5. Laura Seifter

  6. Tina and Beth Shroat

  7. Kasey Aronson

  8. Shelley & Michael Hancock

  9. Betsy Smith

  10. Chelsea Key



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