Age 12

Charlotte S

Charlotte S profile

Show Your Glow 5k


Raised: $7,814

Project Event Date(s): 

Project description

I am hosting a 5k race called “Show Your Glow 5k” to raise money for Lydia’s Place.

When: Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 3:00 pm

Where: Oconee Veteran’s Park

3500 Hog Mountain Road Watkinsville, GA 30677

Who: Everyone! The race is for all ages and all abilities. We are also looking for wonderful people to volunteer along with generous companies and individuals to sponsor the race. If you are interested in helping, please email

You can learn more and register for the race here:

I am also looking for people to volunteer to help make my race a big success.  If you are 16 or older and willing to help at the event, click here to sign up to volunteer. 

If you cannot attend the race but are interested in helping me reach my goal, you can make a tax deductible donation through this page.

A huge thank you to all of our event sponsors!

Thank you for helping me help others!


My project supports: Lydia's Place

I chose to raise money for Lydia's Place because they help college kids who are in foster care or if something happened to their parents. This is special to me because it's not these students fault that this happened. They still have just as much of a chance to succeed.

Thank you to my donors!

  1. Walton EMC

  2. Robin Woodall

  3. All of the event supporters

  4. Meg & Scott Green

  5. Thomas F Stephens, CPA, PC

  6. Trisha Lewis

  7. Lauren Long

  8. Monica Gaither

  9. Gail Schaffer

  10. Kelly Vonk



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