Age 11
Eden M

Give me 5!
Raised: $1,062
Project Event Date(s): May 3, 2019
Project description
I am holding a “Give Me Five!” Project starting at FPC Marietta Preschool. Kids will get a chance to give $5 or any amount they choose during morning carpool on May 2 and May 3. Kids will receive a “high five” sticker, high five big foam HA clown hand and see beloved teachers in clown noses. There will also be a clown performance by Humorology Atlanta at the school on May 3rd at 11 am.
Thank you for helping me help sick kids smile!
My project supports: Humorology Atlanta
I believe Humorology Atlanta is able to help sick children using the power of laughter and performance. They help spread light in the world.
Thank you to my donors!
All of the Generous Facebook Donors
$500 -
Margaret Seickel
$15 -
Mary Ann Mew
$25 -
Tamalyn Placencia
$50 -
Jamie Barton
$50 -
Barbara Grimmell
$35 -
Patrick Fellers
$10 -
Kari Siegel
$18 -
All of the event donors
$264 -
Thomas Clarke