Age 12

Max G

Max G

Max's Rock'n Socks


Raised: $2,201

Project Event Date(s): September 24, 2017

Project description

I plan to raise money by hosting a few parties over the next few months.  I will ask my friends and family to bring new socks or donate money. My goal is to donate money and socks to Hope Thru Soap.

Please join me on September 24th from 6:30 – 8:00 at Ninja Quest in Marietta for a fun night for a great purpose.  The cost is $15 a person for open gym fun. Proceeds will benefit my project for Hope Thru Soap.  I will also be accepting donations of new socks to give to those in need. I hope to see you there!

Thank you for your help and support!


My project supports: Hope Thru Soap

I chose the charity Hope Thru Soap because it sounded interesting, and they help homeless people. I like that they give homeless people a shower, clothes, and especially a new pair of socks.  There is a huge need for homeless people to have new socks.


Thank you to my donors!

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