Age 10

Molly L

Molly L profile

Molly's Meet and Greet Sweets


Raised: $1,700

Project Event Date(s): 

Project description

I plan to raise money by hosting a germ-free frozen treat booth at a kindergarten meet-and-greet playdate and accepting donations. If you would like to help me reach my goal, please make a tax deductible donation through this page. Each $10 donation provides one Blessing Bag for Rahab’s Haven to help an at-risk woman in need!

Thank you for helping me help women and children in need!

My project supports: Rahab's Haven

I chose to raise money for Rahab's Haven because it is special to aunt is one of the founders! Rahab's Haven ministers to those at risk or victimized by exploitation. They show the love of Jesus to these women and children by assisting them with their basic needs. One way they do this is by packing bags of food and hygiene supplies. I would really like to know I was part of helping the women when they need it most.

Thank you to my donors!

  1. Mark Scardino

  2. Lisa Goldstein

  3. Mandy Hopkins

  4. Jenni ODell

  5. Catherine Hansell

  6. Kimberly Wallace

  7. Anonymous

  8. All of the generous supporters!

  9. Alice Rodman

  10. Michael and Betty Carol Sellers
