Age 13

Noah K

Noah profile -2

Noah's Mitzvah Dog Market


Raised: $1,879

Project Event Date(s): 

Project description

I am raising money for Canine Assistants for my bar mitzvah project.  I am proud to announce I raised over $500 for Canine Assistants on October 5 at Kid Biz Expo! My friends and I sold dog toys, blankets and treats for dogs and boba tea for adults. We found that the dogs were the best customers and once we gave them a sample of the treat, they led their owners to our table!

I am a little more than halfway to my $1800 goal and would love any additional support so Canine Assistants can get all the help it needs for their puppies!

Thank you to everyone who helped me bake treats, make dog toys, or came to Crabapple Fest to purchase items and give donations to my Kids Boost fundraiser.
Thank you for helping me help Canine Assistants! 
(Photos by Meg Porter Photography)

My project supports: Canine Assistants

I LOVE dogs! I went to the Canine Assistants Dog Camp for two summers and learned about the work they do training service dogs. I want to help them buy supplies and train more dogs.

Thank you to my donors!

  1. Bruce, Hydi, and Lucy snickerdoodle and Ben Kalmin

  2. Meera Iyer

  3. Diana & Daniel Cohen

  4. Nan Hundere

  5. Natale Farrell

  6. Vidya Kotval

  7. Rachel, Brandon + Ben Rosenbloom

  8. Leena Daibagya

  9. Macallan Chester Presement Presement

  10. Annie and Maurice cohen



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