Age 13

Noah K

Noah profile -2

Noah's Mitzvah Dog Market

Project Event Date(s): October 5, 2024

Project Event Location: Kid-Prenuer Vendor Market at Crabapple Fest

My project supports: Canine Assistants

Project description

I will be raising money for Canine Assistants for my bar mitzvah project. First, I will be having a dog treat and toy making party at my house and inviting some of my friends and family to help me make dog cookies and rope toys the week before Crabapple Fest.  I have a booth at the Kid-Preneur Vendor Market where 100% of the sales will be donated directly to my charity. I will also be selling cold drinks and some treats to their owners at my table! Finally, I will share my donation link and information about Canine Assistants with my family and friends so I can raise even more money.
Any leftover cookies and toys after the market will of course go to the puppies at Canine Assistants for them to enjoy! 
Kid-prenuer Vendor Market at Crabapple Fest
Saturday, October 5, 2024
10 am – 3pm
Location: The Green at Crabapple Market (12650 Crabapple Road Milton, GA 30004)
If you cannot make the market but would like to help me reach my goal, you can make a tax deductible donation through this page or purchase something off of my Amazon wishlist by clicking here. 
Thank you for helping me help Canine Assistants! 
(Photos by Meg Porter Photography)

Why I want to raise money for Canine Assistants

I LOVE dogs! I went to the Canine Assistants Dog Camp for two summers and learned about the work they do training service dogs. I want to help them buy supplies and train more dogs.


Your Donation

Fundraising Goal

Fundraising Progress


Thank you to my donors!

  1. Devon Christopher

  2. Gerri Shanks

  3. Justine, Andre, Emma, Jordan, Gavin and Riley Cohen

  4. Liz and Steven Kalmin

  5. Lily Goldstein

  6. Anonymous

  7. Erin Dichiara



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