One of the joys of being a Kids Boost coach is to see kids create long term relationships with non-profits they feel passionate about. Below is a reflection from Eden, a Kids Booster who we had the absolute honor of working with for her “Give Me Five” campaign in 2019. Eden is a true activist and a blooming philanthropist full of drive and contagious energy. Her passion and compassion for the world is inspiring. We continue to cheer you on, Eden, and are beyond proud to have been a part of your giving journey!

“Why do you give? Do you give because it helps to make you feel better? Do you give to help others? Do you give just because you have money to spare? I give because I’ve realized how much joy I receive when I give to help others. I give because I can, in my own small way, make a difference in my world. I give because I want to be a beacon of light in our dark scary world. KidsBoost has inspired me to be even more involved in giving and to learn the joy of fundraising. For whatever reason you choose to give, I hope we can all agree that giving is important in our society today. Giving helps to provide homes to the homeless, comfort to the sick, and clothes to children. Giving makes the world go round. Now, especially in the time of COVID-19, giving is more important than ever. Thousands of businesses have been decimated by this virus. While large corporations and chain restaurants have the resources to provide contactless delivery or take other measures to weather this storm, what about smaller, independent businesses? What about non-profit organizations like Humorology Atlanta, whose employees work tirelessly inside hospitals to bring the gift of laughter to sick children? What about the Aurora Theatre, who, since singing was recently found to be a super spreader, might not be able to put on shows until 2022? Donating online to these non-profits is vastly important, especially now. With your donation, these businesses can stay afloat to see the end of this pandemic and carry on their vital work. Please give your money, give your time, and give your love to these essential organizations today.” – Eden, age 12