Read What Parents Have To Say About Kids Boost

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At Kids Boost, we truly believe in the value of our program for kids and their families. But don’t take our word for it! Check out what parents have to say about their Kids Boost experience: 
“Participating in Kids Boost has been such a positive experience for my kids and our whole family! Right from the start they were empowered to take charge of their project and you could see their confidence soar with each accomplishment. They received excellent coaching, enabling them to meet and exceed their goals. The benefits received are really too numerous to list. The skills my children gained through completing their project have made a lasting impact on them and the experience has truly fostered a love for helping others.”
Rebekah, mother of Eva and Noa Rae
“The Kids Boost experience was invaluable from start to finish for Molly! From practical tasks, like making lists, making phone calls, and writing thank you notes, to the dream-fulfilling part of executing her plan and delivering the proceeds to a cause she cared about–she learned the entire process of what it means to use her passions for good. MY favorite part was the coaching! Her coach walked her through, step by step, keeping the focus on Molly’s ideas and redirecting when it was needed. I love that Kids Boost coaches make it possible for each project to be truly kid-owned and operated. Kids Boost was a beautiful growth opportunity for our daughter!”
Ashleigh, mother of Molly
“As a mother of a young son wanting to give back to the community, I knew Kids Boost would be a perfect fit! I was well aware of the organization and I hoped Jonathan would be interested in a project with Kids Boost. After we talked about it, he was all smiles! His coach, and the layout of the organization, were absolutely amazing! The meetings and check-ins kept Jonathan accountable. The excitement to share, give back, and raise money for sickle cell patients allowed Jonathan to show up and experience his love of cooking with a local restaurant!  The experience was life-changing! Our family, friends and the community showed up! It was awesome! We are so proud of Jonathan and this organization.”
Tina, mother of Jonathan
“Kids Boost allowed Paige to take her idea from concept to completion. For the first time, Paige was able to see how her own hard work, dedication, and perseverance could make a REAL difference in the real world. It wasn’t about me pushing her to do it, or a teacher assigning a project for a grade. Kids Boost gives kids like Paige a platform to dream big and explore their own passions, while raising money for a cause they care about. Through her experience with Kids Boost, Paige learned that SHE can do anything she puts her mind to. The weekly meetings and coaching helped Paige outline her next steps, and think through every aspect of making her concept a success! The Kids Boost experience validated her thoughts and ideas, and cemented a confidence in her I hadn’t seen before.”  

Erica, mom of Paige
Do you want to provide your child with an opportunity to use their passions and ideas for good, while gaining life-long skills in the process? If so, we would be honored to be a part of their giving journey!
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