It’s everywhere. A bag of M&Ms on the floor. Starbursts on the kitchen counter. A Twix wrapper under the couch cushion. I even found a 3 Musketeers in the shower. It’s officially the week after Halloween and we are on the verge of a sugar coma.

So what do we do with all of this candy?!? I thought I would share a few ideas on ways to turn those Snickers and Skittles into smiles for others…
- Kids Boost is collecting candy to repurpose to spread smiles. If you want it out of your house (and we get that!), email to pass it along to Kids Boost.
- Host a reverse Trick-or-Treating event with friends at a local shelter, Ronald McDonald House, nursing home or retirement home. How much fun would it be to take candy to unsuspecting people?
- There are often local dentists and churches who collect candy to send to our troops.
- Create treat bags and give them to people who make a difference in your life (like school bus drivers, school janitors, doctors office staff, favorite waitress or waiter at a restaurant or cashier at a store)
- Take a bag of treats to a children’s hospital to deliver to a child who may have missed the opportunity to trick-or-treat.
- Use the candy to make homemade cookies and brownies to deliver to neighbors, friends and teachers. (Just a side note: just about every chocolate bar is a delicious addition to a boxed brownie mix… chop up those Butterfingers, throw them in the mix and you have a little piece of heaven!)
- Get creative and make a candy craft to make someone’s day. Check out Pinterest for great ideas.

So let’s spread some sugar love! Don’t forget to share your photos and ideas on our Facebook page (, our Instagram page (@kidsboost) or on Twitter (@kids_boost).