Up for a challenge?!?

Kids Boost challenge

Everyone likes a good challenge, right?!? Well, we have a great one for you. An important one. And one that will impact the world!

We are thrilled to introduce you to “The Kids Boost Challenge!”

The Kids Boost Challenge is a way for individuals and companies to support Kids Boost while challenging kids to meet or exceed their goals.  Here’s the deal…

  1. Pick a Kids Booster that you believe in. Check out all of the Kids Boosters here – www.kidsboost.org/kids-project/.  Maybe you connect with the organization he or she is fundraising for or maybe you connect with the way they are fundraising. Maybe you are seeking a child who needs a little extra support.
  2. Agree to match the amount that the child raises – it could be $300 or it could be $3000. You can set a limit or even pledge a specific amount if the child reaches their goals.  For example, you may agree to match whatever Kate raises, up to $2500.  Or you may say “I will donate $1000 to Kids Boost if Kate reaches her fundraising goal.”
  3. Email kristen@kidsboost.org and agree to take the challenge.
  4. Kids Boost will let the Kids Booster know that the challenge is on! We will keep you posted on his or her progress and let you know when the goal is reached.
  5. We would love to thank you publicly on our website and on marketing materials at Kids Boost events. So be sure to include your company logo if available.
  6. Sit back and watch your generosity change the life of a child and impact the world!

Will you join the challenge?

Email Kristen@kidsboost.org for more information and to get started today!


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