My hope for you or really, 13 hopes for you

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Happy Holidays, friends!

My hope is that in the hustle and bustle of the holidays that you can take a minute to look around you and see all of life’s blessings.  I hope you make a great new memory, start a new tradition and laugh so hard that you are on verge of wetting your pants (yep…  you know the laugh). I hope you hug your family a little tighter this week and I hope you take the time to call an old friend. I hope you make a stranger smile and I hope you do something just for you, something that makes your heart happy.  I hope you embrace the magic of the holidays.  I hope you sing a little louder than usual and even dance a bit. I hope that despite your personal challenges this season that you embrace your strengths and celebrate your successes. I hope you love a little bigger. I hope you remember that the best is yet to be.

With gratitude,

Kristen Witzel (I got married!  Yay!)


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