Just a note of thanks

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Happy Thanksgiving! I wanted to take a minute and reflect on Kids Boost and all that I am thankful for this season.  I’m thankful for…

  • The Kids Boost kids and teenagers who generously give their time and energy to make a difference in this world. I’m constantly in awe of these kids and I have been inspired by each of them. In a world that often seems consumed of hate, these are the kids who give me comfort in knowing the world will one day be a better place.  They aren’t just talking about making a difference… they are actually doing it!
  • The donors who make all of this possible. You guys are the ones who believe in me and Kids Boost.  You guys are the ones give generously and without fail.  I know money is tight for most people right now so I am beyond honored that you believe enough in the mission to donate your hard-earned money.  Every penny is appreciated.
  • The Kids Boost board members who are constantly “on call” for my crazy ideas or random questions. They support, encourage and help me when I need it most.  They give their time and money to make this all happen.
  • All of my friends and family who have taken the time to do the little things that make a big difference… Things like register your Kroger plus card or sign up through Amazon Smile to support Kids Boost, donate to a Kids Boost garage sale, share Facebook posts and even those who create their own messages to spread the word about Kids Boost… and the list could go on and on.
  • The Kids Boost parents who encourage their children to participate and support them through the process. Let’s be real… your kids are amazing because of YOU! So thank you for being amazing and for sharing your amazing kids with me and the world.
  • Professional support – there are so many individuals and companies who support Kids Boost and most do it for a reduced fee or even free. I don’t know what I would do without these experts – everyone from my web design team, to my CPA and bookkeeper.  People have donated their talents and services (photographers, lawyers and consultants). Companies have generously donated to Kid’s projects.  Again, the list could go on and on.

If you are reading this, I am thankful for you.  Yep, you. Thank you for supporting me and my mission to empower kids to give back to the world.  Together we are making a difference and hopefully one that will span generations to come.

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

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