Let’s Dream Big!

Dream Big Profile

In this time of uncertainty, it feels everything is just on pause. We are stuck (I mean, literally, we are stuck at home) in isolation on a roller coaster of ups and downs: What are the next days going to look like? How much longer is this going to go on? This time is hard. As a small non-profit, we are feeling the anxiety of the unknown future and trying to make sure to still move forward even though we truly have no idea what it holds.

And how is this affecting our kids? With school and activities cancelled, our kids have suddenly lost a lot of control and normalcy (as have we all).  They are also being bombarded with, sometimes scary, information. However, despite unexpected challenges, we continue to admire the resiliency of kids and the different outlook they often bring to situations.  Perhaps inspiring them to think beyond their current circumstances could help them regain some control and encourage us all.

We normally may not have the time to ask our kids meaningful questions because of the busyness of schlepping to soccer practice or running late from work because traffic was at an all-time high.  While kids are home, let’s all agree to take a moment each day to ask them thoughtful questions and try to channel our own anxious thoughts into dreams and goals for ourselves and our families.

Here are some questions we have come up with to print out as conversation starters for your family.  Keep them on your fridge, cut them out and put them in a bowl on your dining room table or just read them off your phone.

At Kids Boost, we genuinely believe that we have an awesome generation of kids behind us who are going to change this world for the better. We believe that we can learn from our kids if we ask the right questions. Their thoughts and dreams and beautiful and unhindered. Although we don’t always give kids enough credit, they have some REALLY good ideas.

So, again, let’s ask some questions and, more importantly, let’s take time to listen. We may just learn a thing or two.

If you would like a printable version of these questions, please email admin@kidsboost.org and we can email you a copy.
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