For many of us, the beginning of another year brings excitement for a fresh start. Our heads buzz with where we hope the year will take us with our health, our work, our travels or our personal lives. But if you’re anything like me, many a New Year’s resolution has started out strong in January but fizzled out by mid-year at best. We all have good intentions, but life happens, and without a clear plan in place, even our best intentions may not come to fruition.
If resolutions are hard for adults to keep, are we setting our kids up for failure by encouraging them to choose a goal to reach throughout the year? As a Kids Boost coach, I love the idea of kids making resolutions now when they are feeling energized and excited by the start of a new year. What a great time to harness that excitement and encourage them to set goals! Just today, my own typically cautious 6-year-old proudly proclaimed his resolution to ditch the training wheels and learn to ride a bike this year. However, like adults, kids need help coming up with effective, sustainable plans or their motivation and excitement will quickly fade.

Over winter break, my 6-year-old also requested to learn to tie his shoes. We’ve attempted to teach him before but this time his teacher sent home a clear plan. He was to watch a video that showed him step by step directions, practice each day by showing an adult, and track his success by filling in stars on a chart. He quickly mastered his new feat and that’s when he announced his bigger goal of learning to ride a bike. Setting specific and attainable goals that he was capable of reaching boosted my son’s confidence and motivation to try something even more challenging.

At Kids Boost, we wholeheartedly believe that kids benefit anytime from setting clear, attainable goals and meeting them. We believe this process builds confidence and enhances a child’s motivation to try more challenging tasks outside of his or her comfort zone. During Kids Boost projects kids break their goals up into smaller, manageable tasks with due dates and learn to hold themselves accountable by having a supportive adult check in on their progress weekly. With their coaches by their side, Kids Boosters meet, and often surpass, their goals and expectations. What once seemed impossible is suddenly plausible and kids come to realize they actually can have a huge impact on the world around them.
Do you know a kid who is ready to make this year the best year yet? Do you feel your child would benefit from help setting and meeting goals? Why wait? Kids Boost is now accepting applications for 2020 and we are ready to help amazing kids take action this year and make a difference!