We gave him $100 and look what he did…

nathan final

A few months ago we gave Nathan a check for $100.00 and asked him to turn it into more for a charity of his choice. Nathan thoughtfully chose The American Cancer Society as his designated charity.  He spent his spring break going business to business seeking donations. He was brave and determined. How many adults do you know who feel comfortable asking strangers for help?!? Exactly.  Yet, this 12-year-old boy had enough courage to talk to people in the community about his project and the response was wonderful.  With the help of generous donors, Nathan put together baskets to raffle off at the Spring baseball carnival in his community. He used his start-up money to pay the booth rental fee and Nathan worked hard to sell raffle tickets. His baskets were simply amazing… each with a fun theme (things like “Fun with a Friend” and “A Gift for Mom”).

nathan event 2

When it was all said and done, Nathan raised a total of $500.  80% of his total went directly to The American Cancer Society.  The other 20% goes to back to Kids Boost to get another kid stated on his of her fundraising project.  So not only did Nathan raise money for The American Cancer Society but he also is empowering another child to give back to the world.

nathan ACS

The amount of pride I felt today as Nathan presented the check was immeasurable. I honestly thought my heart was about to explode with excitement. What if EVERY child took this opportunity to do something great for the community? I’m confident that our world would be so different.  Think about the change for the future. Think about the life lessons that would come along with their hard work. Think about the increase in self-esteem and self-confidence? Think about the level of compassion and the amount of kindness that would spread like wildfire. So I challenge you to help make this happen for other kids.  Do you know a child who would like to participate? If so, I would love nothing more than to help them with this project.  We can do amazing things together.   Do you have a few dollars you can spare to help Kids Boost fund a child’s project?  Every dollar helps and it’s super easy to donate. Just go to that cool little “Donate” button and click away. I promise you that I will do wonderful things with your money.

Congratulations Nathan on a job well done! You killed it, kid! I am so stinkin’ proud of you and I can’t wait to see what you do next time!

me and nathan

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