8 Things We Love About Kids Boost On Our 8th Birthday

Kids Boost 8 birthday

It’s our birthday!!!  Kids Boost is officially 8 years old and to help us celebrate, we thought we would share eight things we love about Kids Boost.

1. Kids Boost is free!

Any child age 8-14 is invited to participate in Kids Boost at no cost. Not only do Kids Boosters get access to resources and one-on-one support from our coaches, but they are also given $100 start-up money for their projects to cover any associated costs.  We believe that all kids, regardless of socioeconomic level, deserve the opportunity to give!
2. Kids Boost gives donors the opportunity to support multiple causes while empowering young kids.
When you support Kids Boost, you are investing in kids who want to make a difference AND incredible non-profits who are doing important work locally and across the globe. To date, our Kids Boosters have helped 127 non-profits and counting!  When you give to Kids Boost, you help give kid the tools they need to raise both awareness and funds for a variety of important causes.
3. Kids Boost gives kids a voice
Kids Boost allows kids to decide for themselves how they want to make a difference. Children spend so much of their time following other people’s directions. When given the opportunity to fundraise or give back, they are usually told who to help and how to do it, which, let’s be honest, is often a recipe for kids caring more about the prize they are promised than the cause they are fundraising for. Kids Boost is different. We believe two of the most important questions you can ask a child are: “What breaks your heart? and What makes your heart happy?” Their answers to these questions can fuel a life-long desire to make a difference in a way that is truly meaningful to them.
4. Kids Boost empowers kids and families facing difficult life experiences
By giving kids and their families a positive outlet for making a difference and raising awareness, Kids Boost helps give back some control during difficult times. Perhaps a child is experiencing bullying at school or a family is grieving the loss of a loved one. A child and their family may be feeling like they have no control over what is happening to them during these challenging times. Kids Boost gives kids the opportunity to take their pain, use it to fuel their passion and create positive change as a result.
5. Kids Boost brings the community together
Kids Boosters reach out to their own communities to help make their projects successful. They courageously ask for community support in the form of donations and participation in their fundraising events. And the result is one of our very favorite things! Communities come together to rally around our kids; a kids booster’s passion and excitement is contagious and creates a ripple in their community that continues after their project is complete.
6. Kids Boost combines learning and fun!
At Kids Boost, We put the FUN back in FUNdraising, while also giving kids a unique opportunity to develop important life skills. Because kids use their own passions and talents as the basis for their projects, they enjoy the planning process. Skills in communication, accountability and money management are naturally developed and enhanced along the way.
7. Kids Boost builds confidence and self-esteem
The Kids Boost process naturally focuses on a child’s individual talents and strengths as the driving force behind their project. Because of this, confidence and self-esteem are boosted as kids see their talents appreciated by others and successfully used to make a difference! Our coaches are also able to help kids work on individual areas for growth in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Kids Boosters practice resilience by celebrating and moving forward when they get a “no” and master intimidating tasks by practicing with their coaches in a non-threatening environment. Every achievement is celebrated and kids are able to truly take ownership of their success.
8. EVERY project is unique!
Because every Kids Booster is unique, so are their projects. Each child comes to the table with their own passions, ideas and creativity. We love seeing each kid put their own spin on fundraising. Every individual aspect is decided on and planned by the Kids Booster, which creates a truly personalized and empowering experience–the effects of which we hope will last a lifetime!
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