Make it your "yes" summer

race group

2015 was my “yes” year.  I challenged myself to say yes to things that scared me.  This was a huge challenge for me… I kinda consider myself a walking ball of anxiety.  You add my lack of athleticism and  horrible coordination (yep, I have been known to sprain an ankle just walking down a driveway), and well it’s really difficult for me to say yes to trying new things, especially things that require me to be active.  So throughout the year, I said yes to a few big things… my Kids Boost dream, Pure Barre classes and even online dating.  None of which I regret. All of those adventures led to great things (and a few horrible first date stories!).

pure barre

The picture above is when I hit 100 classes at Pure Barre – something I never visioned I could do!

Last November, my boyfriend (yep, the online dating thing worked… while kind of… another story for another day), asked me to run with him.  RUN?!?  Nope. I don’t run.  And then I remembered that I had to say yes. So, I reluctantly threw on shoes and went.  I made it a few mailboxes.  I was mortified. He was fantastic about it.  He said all of the right things. “I am proud of you for trying.”  “Keep practicing – you will get it.”  But I am a perfectionist and I hate to fail. I remember in that moment thinking “you said yes… that’s all that matters” but deep down I was determined that I could do better.  That day I started the couch to 5k program (which I would highly recommend) and in March, I ran my first 5k.  When we finished the race, he said “now let’s do a 10k.”  Thank God 2015 was my “yes year” and 2016 was my “no year.”  Only kidding… I went home and downloaded the couch to 10k program.

race pic

So fast forward to today.  You can imagine how excited I was to hear that Kids Boost was chosen as the beneficiary of the “We the Runners” races on July 4th. Yep, races… multiple races.  There is a sparkler trot for the family, a 5k, a 10k and for all of you over-achievers, a half-marathon.  And this came right after the triplet Kid Boosters chose to host a 5k in honor of their dad to raise money for Kate’s Club. All signs point to the fact that I am supposed to be a runner.  Or at least attempt to be a runner. Or maybe just love a good 5k party!  My “yes year” paid off in many ways.

So I am asking you to make this summer your “yes summer.”  Can you say “yes” to the things that scare you? Can you say “yes” to getting involved or doing something big?  We have so many great events coming up this summer and I would love for you to say “yes” and join me.

Below is the link to sign up for the “We the Runners” races.  We would love for you to run or walk with us.  If you can’t run but would like to help,  I would love your help as a volunteer for the event.  If you are interested, please shoot me an email at

we the runners logo 2016

Now go say “yes” to something that scares you (and then don’t forget to tell me about it so we can laugh or cry about it together!)

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