Smiles, Giggles and Gratitude

girls with signs square

Wow.  What a whirlwind the last year has been?!? As I sit this morning, I reflect on the last year and I can’t help but smile and giggle a little bit.

I smile because this dream of Kids Boost is coming true.  We’ve worked with more than 60 kids on projects and donated to 35 non-profits.  Kids Boosters have turned $4,500 into more than $90,000 for such worthy causes.  I’ve witnessed kids blow their own minds with what they are capable of doing.  I’ve seen kids go from reserved and hopeful (maybe even doubtful) to ecstatic and confident.

I giggle because to be quite honest, I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started a few years ago.  I giggle at the thought of quitting my job and jumping feet first with NO CLUE how all of this would pan out.

I smile because the only way Kids Boost has thrived is because of you.  Friends, family and complete strangers have stepped up with overwhelming generosity.  People have given their time, talent and money to make this possible. I will never forget sweet Pam Burke who reached out as a stranger just to see how she could get involved to help me. Or Matthew Christopher who made countless signs, logos and banners for Kids Boosters… even before I ever met him! Or my AMAZING web designer, Chris Shull, who is currently rebuilding the website for FREE because she knows we need it but can’t afford it. And then another angel popped up, Kelly Lucas, who jumped in to help with marketing (again… because I have no clue and no budget).  I could go on and on and on listing the people who showed up to help when I needed it most.  Did I mention that all of these people are not helping Kids Boost because of a paycheck but because they want to make a difference. And oh how they are making a difference!

I smile because the stories are countless.  I can’t even get into the generosity that I’ve received personally as I take this leap of faith. You all have allowed me to continue my dream and be a mom.  For this, I am forever grateful.

I smile because I now have a partner in crime.  I am no longer a one-man-show but now a 2-man-band (which makes me giggle too!).  Brook Soss has joined Kids Boost part-time and you wouldn’t believe all that we have in store for the future. Get excited, friends… there is so much goodness to come!

I giggle because I look at our bank account and wonder how in the world we will continue to do this.  I look at the 100 plus applications from kids on my desk and wonder how we can help each of those kids. But then I smile because I have faith that you all will continue to support the work we do in huge ways.

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I am thankful for the many ways that you all support Kids Boost.  Every minute you volunteer, every dollar you donate, every ounce of love you give… it all means so much.

With overwhelming gratitude (and smiles and giggles),


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