JUMP into Action with Kids Boost


“Digital learning,” “social distancing,” “home-schooling” and “e-learning” are our new buzz words during the uncertainty of COVID-19 – as schools have closed, work-from-home becomes the norm and organized social/academic and sports activities have ceased (for now). As we’re all trying to manage the new daily cycle of work, childcare and academic learning – we’re also now, more than ever, having to deal with the emotional well-being and struggles of the entire family whether that be economic worry, anxiety or isolation. A recent posting from the counseling department at an East Cobb, GA school featured the word “resilience” that I found particularly helpful in focusing my own efforts during this unprecedented time. 

Resilience is the ability to become strong, healthy or successful again after something bad happens. The ability to bounce back quickly after experiencing disappointment or experiencing a crisis.  

The five keys to resilience are: 

  • Think positive
  • Focus on what you can control
  • Know what’s important 
  • Know what you’re good at 
  • Surround yourself with things that matter 

And to that point about BOUNCING BACK –  Kids Boost knows a thing or two about how to help inspire action from within. How to harness the “HOW” and turn it into “NOW.” We want to help connect the dots of how we can make a difference AT A DISTANCE – that while we’re unable to do some things, we CAN figure out ways to act. So, starting March 28 – April 11, we’re issuing a national (virtual) jump challenge that every family, adult, child (or even pet) can put on the calendar and won’t be cancelled.  A viral and charitable “movement” by Kids Boost to pledge $10 to do 100 jumps to help provide 100 meals to kids facing hunger through the national non-profit No Kid Hungry. Jumps can be using a jump rope, sidewalk jumps, jumping rocks, making jump shots, jumping jacks, trampoline jumping and more. Get creative! Pledge just $10 and submit your pictures and videos to https://www.facebook.com/kidsboost/, tag @KidsBoost or use #kidsboostjumpintoaction.  We’re hoping to raise at least $5,000 over the two weeks – that’s 50,000 meals! 

Ideas to make this even more impactful: 

  • Issue a video challenge to a friend or relative (in and out-of-town) 
  • Have your children donate some of their own money so they feel even more connected to making a difference 
  • Be curious and creative! Show us something we haven’t thought of yet for “jumping,” “bouncing back” or “movement” (i.e., foot moves, hockey skills, 100 volleyball spikes, etc.)   
  • Remember the “ice bucket challenge”? Help us feed hungry children by going viral! 
  • Can you jump for someone who can’t? Ask them to match your $10!    

Let’s focus on being resilient! Lean on each other, challenge each other, motivate each other! Teach our children that we CAN do something amidst crisis, tell them it’s important to think beyond our own circumstances and show them HOW to be part of a solution. Jump into action with Kids Boost!   

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it” – Helen Keller 

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