Lucky Number 7

Blog and Kid profile

Kids Boost is 7!

For 7 years, Kids Boost has provided kids the opportunity to give, love and serve others. We’ve helped more than 200 kids facilitate individual projects – using what makes their heart happy to support a nonprofit of their choice. We have also given thousands of kids the chance to spread kindness in their communities through our Small Give, Big Impact programs.
What better way to celebrate our 7th year than to give more kids the opportunity to give?!? We gave 7 kids $50 and asked them to use it to spread kindness. No rules, just love! We love seeing their creativity and all of the different ways they chose to spread smiles.
Ellie has a huge passion for helping animals so her first stop included buying some food, treats and toys for the animals at a local humane society. Next, she delivered gift cards and treats to some of her favorite staff members at her old elementary school. We have no doubt that Ellie made many people (and dogs!) smile!
Here’s what Eden said about her day of spreading kindness… “While spreading smiles I felt so overcome with a sense of happiness and joy. Because of the pandemic and having a high risk sister, I haven’t been able to share kindness in person for about a year and half. I was immediately reminded of how good it felt. It was so empowering to see bus drivers, teachers, and coaches’ faces light up as soon as I handed them a gift card. You could really tell how much they appreciated the small act of kindness. Spreading smiles in person again reminded me just how important it is to go out and do your best to make other people happy!!”
Jayden wanted to show some love to the police officers that direct traffic in front of his school each day. He noticed that the sun is often bright in the mornings so he purchased 2 pairs of sunglasses and put them with some delicious coffee and delivered them with a note.  He didn’t stop there though! Jayden also noticed that there was a lot of trash around the school so he took the time to clean up. How fantastic is that?!?
Bella used some of her money to leave a big tip for a waitress at Waffle House. She even took the time to write a handwritten note too.  Next, she paid for a car behind her in the McDonalds drive through and then went on to use the reminder of the money to buy items for a local food pantry. We can’t imagine just how many people smiled because of Bella’s kindness!
Max learned about the needs of a local elementary school through one of his high school teachers. He decided to purchase small toys, stickers and sports balls to donate to the school. He was also able to volunteer at the school with his class to to spread more smiles. Max said that it “made him feel good because it made other kids happy.”
Riley hosted a gathering of friends to create cards and artwork for a local nursing home. Riley said “my favorite part of the activity was getting to connect the younger community to the older community through smiles and creativity.”
Camille used the money we gave her to purchase fabric so she could make homemade blankets. She made 4 warm blankets that she donated to a local children’s shelter. We love that she used her time, talent and passion to spread smiles and provide comfort.
Thank you all for your love, support and generosity over the last 7 years. Together, we are creating the next generation of leaders, philanthropists and change-makers! 
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