Summer of Kindness Week 5

natalie baking

Happy July! Here is a recap of Week 5 of the Kids Boost Summer of Kindness:

Day 29 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Give hugs. You know those hugs when you can just feel the love? Give some of those this week. The world needs more hugs.

Day 30 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Blow up beach balls or other fun pool toys and take them to a pool to bring unexpected smiles. The dollar store is a great place for things like this. Have your kids write sweet messages on the balls and then have fun passing them out.

Day 31 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Create your own giving jar. Find a jar or other container (it can be anything) and have fun decorating it to be a giving jar. Fill it with loose change and when it’s full, your child can choose a non-profit organization to donate the money to their cause. Side note: while this isn’t a new idea by any means, we think that just by allowing a young child to take ownership of the jar (choosing it, decorating it and keeping it), the child will be excited to present the money to the organization they choose (again, let them take ownership of where the money goes). Happy decorating and giving!

Day 32 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: It’s a rainy day in Georgia and a perfect day to spread love through chocolate (or some other delicious treat). Grab the kids and bake together. Deliver the treats to a neighbor who could use a smile or drop them off at your pediatrician or dentist office as a sweet surprise.

Day 33 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Hold the door for others. It’s a simple gesture that speaks volumes. Make this a “standard of kindness” in your home and watch how many smiles you will create!

Day 34 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Create your very own best friend day. For instance, “Happy Molly Day” or “Happy Max Day.” Fill their day with their favorite things and make it a point to tell them all of your favorite things about them. Smother them in love! After all, your world wouldn’t be the same without your best friend!

Day 35 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Leave pennies at a fountain for others to make wishes. Talk about a fun way to spread smiles with just 10 cents! And don’t forget to make your own wish too!

Be sure to continue to follow us on social media for week #6!

Spread Kindness, friends!


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