Kids Boost empowers kids to give by providing $100 in start-up money, a one-on-one coach and resources to turn their money into more for a charity of their choice.
Many years ago, I heard Andy Stanley speak and this quote has always stuck with me:
“Your direction, not intention, determines your destination.”
I constantly have to apply this to every facet of my life: work, marriage, community…just to name a few. I think we can all agree that we all have great intentions to do good in the world, in our community or even in our family, but how many times do we stop at intention with ourselves and our kids?
This isn’t a guilt trip; I am right there with you. Life gets busy and things fall to the wayside. Most days, I have incredible intentions to put that card in the mail for a friend going through a tough time or to sign up to volunteer but just don’t get around to it. I have a pretty long “I’ll do that tomorrow list”, anyone else with me?!
I think this is the beauty of what we provide at Kids Boost. We give intention the back seat and give kids a clear, age appropriate way to combine their passions, gifts, talents and ideas to create a lasting impact on their community.
The secret weapon in having strong direction and success, for all of us, is having a mentor. In our program, we have one-on-one coaches to mentor each kid throughout their project. Our one-on-one coaches are vital and the absolute reason our Kids Boosters thrive. Our coaches encourage, challenge and set our Kids Boosters up for success, not by waving a magic wand, but by breaking the process down in order for our kids to accomplish BIG things. And that they will! Our most current data shows that, on average, each kid turns their $100 into over $1,700. WOAH!
As we plan for 2019, we have a clear direction here at Kids Boost. We are going to reach close to 50 kids. 50 kids will get to put that intention in the back seat and create a project that will boost funds and awareness for a cause that is important to them. They will blow their own minds on what they can do while learning important lessons in civil engagement, communication, money management and courage throughout the journey. And most importantly, our 50 kids next year will learn first-hand that direction, not intention, will bring them to a destination that will bring hope to others.
We believe in our kids. We believe in our process. We believe in you, our supporters, by investing in the direction of Kids Boost in 2019.
Written by Chelsea Key, Community Programs Coordinator