Help Wanted


Wow, what a difference a year makes! It’s been super exciting to see the ways that Kids Boost is growing.  We went from 3 kids finishing a project to 40 kids.  These kids raised more than $50,000 for 23 different non-profit organizations. I am beyond excited to see what this next year holds.


But I’m going to be honest… I need some help! After talking to many experts, I quickly learned that most successful non-profits are an entity of a large corporation or were started by a million dollar fund.  Most non-profits aren’t started by a broke single mom with a ginormous dream. I’ve experienced the door shut so many times over the last year because “lack of funding,” “like of time as a non-profit,”and so forth. On the other hand, I’ve had many doors open because of the passion and dedication.  They see the success and potential… not just in money raised but by the boost in self-esteem of our Kids Boosters and all of the practical lessons we teach along the way. So… you won’t see this broke single mom quitting anytime soon (or ever).  I can’t wait to be the example of how it doesn’t take a million dollars to start a successful non-profit… just a whole lot of love, passion and determination!

But I will admit that I need help. It takes a village. Two heads are better than one. There is no ‘I’ in team.  You get the point.

I’m looking for people to join my team. I promise, if you are looking for a way to get more involved, I can find a job for you! I’m looking for passionate people to join our board. I’m searching for the perfect Kids Boost coaches. I’m hoping to have people who would be willing to host a donation collection site or host a Kids Boost fundraiser. I’m looking for business and corporate partners. I want to expand my street team.  The list could go on and on.


I’m looking for you.  Yep, you.  I know you are reading this right now and wondering what you can do.  Maybe you are strapped on time.  Maybe you are strapped on money.  But your passion is there and your desire to make a difference. I know this because you took the time to sign up for this blog to show up in your email (am I right?!?).  So regardless of your limitations, there is something you can do to help make a difference.

If you want to help but not sure how, please email me at  Let’s chat.  We can find a way to use your gifts, talents or passions to change the world. Just like we do with kids.

I can’t wait to see what this next year holds but I can only imagine that it will be epic!



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