Crazy Good Turns

Who doesn’t love a good podcast, especially one highlighting the good in the world?!? We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to be featured on the Crazy Good Turns Podcast and we would be honored if you took the time to listen.  While you are there, be sure to check out all of the “crazy […]

Finding Purpose in the Midst of Loss

While pandemic parenting is a first for all of us, we probably agree that our kids, families, and communities are showing an incredible ability to adapt. From digital learning and Zoom extracurriculars to drive-by parade celebrations, virtual and distanced activities are helping our kids move forward and create unforgettable memories. Yet, despite our most creative […]

Fostering Future Philanthropists

One of the joys of being a Kids Boost coach is to see kids create long term relationships with non-profits they feel passionate about. Below is a reflection from Eden, a Kids Booster who we had the absolute honor of working with for her “Give Me Five” campaign in 2019. Eden is a true activist […]

Let’s Dream Big!

In this time of uncertainty, it feels everything is just on pause. We are stuck (I mean, literally, we are stuck at home) in isolation on a roller coaster of ups and downs: What are the next days going to look like? How much longer is this going to go on? This time is hard. […]

JUMP into Action with Kids Boost

“Digital learning,” “social distancing,” “home-schooling” and “e-learning” are our new buzz words during the uncertainty of COVID-19 – as schools have closed, work-from-home becomes the norm and organized social/academic and sports activities have ceased (for now). As we’re all trying to manage the new daily cycle of work, childcare and academic learning – we’re also […]

Stuck at Home? You can still spread smiles!

One of the many things that I love about Kids Boost is that it gives kids an outlet to make a difference during crisis or trauma. When the world seems confusing or a bit upside down, kids have the innate desire to do something to help. During this crazy and confusing time, Kids Boost is […]

The power of being unique

“By being yourself you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.” – Edwin Elliott When I think of all of the kids I have had the privilege of coaching, I think of how incredible it is that these kids had the bravery to do something about a cause important to them. […]

3 boxes of Mac and cheese, 2 cans of green beans with a side of a life lesson

Last Sunday at church, I was handed a reminder about an upcoming food drive for a local food pantry. It contained a “wish list” of items along with information about who will benefit from the donations. I’ve always loved a good canned food drive. It’s a simple yet effective way for families to help other […]

New Year’s Resolutions for Kids

For many of us, the beginning of another year brings excitement for a fresh start.  Our heads buzz with where we hope the year will take us with our health, our work, our travels or our personal lives.  But if you’re anything like me, many a New Year’s resolution has started out strong in January but fizzled […]
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