Walk the walk or talk the talk?

One of the beautiful things about Kids Boost is that we get to talk to kids about meaningful giving. Personally, I have tried to live by the mantra of “walking the walk” and have tried to avoid “talking the talk” too much in my life. However, in a study from Indiana University’s School of Philanthropy, […]

Meet Chelsea, our newest member of the Kids Boost team

My name is Chelsea Key. I am absolutely thrilled to be the newest member to the Kids Boost team as the Community Programs Coordinator! I am a Certified Child Life Specialist and a new mom to a little girl named Annie. My husband, Andrew, and I live in Brookhaven, GA. I am the youngest of […]

Snow Days in Atlanta

It’s a snow day here in Georgia. You know, a dust of snow and the whole city shuts down. I laugh about it but really and truly, I love it. These snow days (some of which actually include snow) have slowly become some of my favorite days in life.  To me, they’ve served as a […]

Behind the Scenes of Kids Boost

*** This powerful essay was written by a Kids Booster named Abby.  Abby and her sister, Riley, raised $2440 to benefit Rescue Me Georgia by hosting a “Hawks Dog Festival.” With Abby’s permission, we want to share her story in hopes of showing the behind the scenes of Kids Boost. It isn’t just about raising […]

WordPress Resources at SiteGround

WordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. SiteGround is proud to host this particular WordPress installation and provide users with multiple resources to facilitate the management of their WP websites: Expert WordPress Hosting SiteGround provides superior WordPress hosting focused on speed, security and customer […]

My hope for you or really, 13 hopes for you

Happy Holidays, friends! My hope is that in the hustle and bustle of the holidays that you can take a minute to look around you and see all of life’s blessings.  I hope you make a great new memory, start a new tradition and laugh so hard that you are on verge of wetting your […]

Smiles, Giggles and Gratitude

Wow.  What a whirlwind the last year has been?!? As I sit this morning, I reflect on the last year and I can’t help but smile and giggle a little bit. I smile because this dream of Kids Boost is coming true.  We’ve worked with more than 60 kids on projects and donated to 35 […]

New School Year Resolutions

It’s that time of year… already!  New school supplies, new clothes, new shoes and new backpacks.  So why not take a minute to create New School Year Resolutions?  But here’s the catch… they can’t be about losing weight or going to the gym, they have to be about spreading love and making a difference. Why […]

Help Wanted

Wow, what a difference a year makes! It’s been super exciting to see the ways that Kids Boost is growing.  We went from 3 kids finishing a project to 40 kids.  These kids raised more than $50,000 for 23 different non-profit organizations. I am beyond excited to see what this next year holds. But I’m […]
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