Thank you for giving big at our Big Give!

* Almost 300 care packages for our military heroes * More than 200 Blessing Bags for homeless * Dozens of candy bouquets for the caregivers at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta * More than 200 snack bags and inspirational signs for kids in need *Hundreds of cookies decorated to show love * Baskets of rocks painted with […]

How to give back without spending a dime

Black Friday. Cyber Monday.  Giving Tuesday. If you are like me, your credit card is screaming at you to stop right now.  But if you are also like me, you recognize how fortunate you are in life and want to give back and celebrate this Giving Tuesday. So I decided to create a quick check list […]

The State of the Union

Welcome to the first State of the Union, Kids Boost style.  Pretty exciting, right?! It’s amazing what can happen in a year. This time last year, I was begging kids to participate in Kids Boost.  I think I had 200 likes on Facebook and we had raised about a thousand dollars total.  Fast forward to today […]

sharing the why

So last week I ditched my Kids Boost t-shirt and jeans and dusted off (literally) a suit and pair of heels. But just for a day (okay, just for a meeting).  It was a big meeting, one that could potentially change my world and fulfill my dreams.  As I drove to my meeting, I practiced […]

You want me to do what?!?

“I have to actually talk to him? “Why can’t we just text?” “What if they say no?” We’ve all heard the excuses. Heck, we probably are all guilty of speaking them. Why on earth would we actually talk to someone when we could just text? You know, that’s why they created texting… it’s quicker and […]

Mom, I'm bored

“Mom, I’m bored!” Oh the dreaded words.  Bored…. What? How can you possibly be bored? It’s only 7:30 in the morning and the first day of summer! I’m a believer that it’s okay for kids to be bored every once in while.  It allows them to be creative and think outside the box.  However, let’s face it, […]

Helping kids cope through crisis

“I don’t ever want to go back to Disney World” This was my 8 year old’s statement to me as we prepared for bed last night. WHAT?!?   That was random. Why on earth would he not want to go back and where did this come from?  And then it hit me… It wasn’t long ago […]

Up for a challenge?!?

Everyone likes a good challenge, right?!? Well, we have a great one for you. An important one. And one that will impact the world! We are thrilled to introduce you to “The Kids Boost Challenge!” The Kids Boost Challenge is a way for individuals and companies to support Kids Boost while challenging kids to meet […]

Make it your "yes" summer

2015 was my “yes” year.  I challenged myself to say yes to things that scared me.  This was a huge challenge for me… I kinda consider myself a walking ball of anxiety.  You add my lack of athleticism and  horrible coordination (yep, I have been known to sprain an ankle just walking down a driveway), and well it’s […]
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