Week 7 Summer of Kindness

We love all of the wonderful feedback we receive about the kindness and love that you guys are spreading! Keep it up! Here is a recap of our week 7 of Kids Boost Summer of Kindness: Day 43 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Donate your gently used books. There are Little Free Library boxes […]

Summer of Kindness Week 6

Can you believe we are already through week 6 of summer?!? I hope you are enjoying the sunshine and soaking up days of no school! Here is a recap of Week 6 of Kids Boost Summer of Kindness: Day 36 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Tape popcorn or candy to a Redbox machine. Spread […]

Summer of Kindness Week 5

Happy July! Here is a recap of Week 5 of the Kids Boost Summer of Kindness: Day 29 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Give hugs. You know those hugs when you can just feel the love? Give some of those this week. The world needs more hugs. Day 30 of Kids Boost Summer Of […]

The story behind Kids Boost

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of talking to Chris Burns with More Than Money about Kids Boost and the journey of following my heart.  I think this was the first time that I publicly talked about the ups and downs and all the challenges that come along with entrepreneurship. I felt vulnerable […]

Summer of Kindness Week 4

It’s hard to believe that we are about halfway through summer break.  We hope you all are making memories and spreading kindness. Don’t forget… we would love to hear about the ways you and your family are spreading smiles in your community. Here is a recap of Week 4 of Summer of Kindness: Day 22 […]

Summer of Kindness Week 3

We continue to spread kindness this summer.  Check out the recap of Week 3 of the Kids Boost Summer of Kindness: Day 15 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: Skip the straw or replace a plastic straw with a paper straw. Did you know that plastic straws are destroying our oceans and killing sea creatures? […]

Summer of Kindness Week Two

Here is a recap of Week Two of Kids Boost Summer of Kindness: Day 8 of Kids Boost Summer Of Kindness: We’ve all finished the statement “If I had a million dollars…” Now, let’s change it up a bit. Take a minute and ask them who they would help if they had a million dollars. […]

Summer of Kindness Week 1

Are you looking to make your summer a little more memorable? Why not make this the summer of kindness? Last week, Kids Boost started posting one idea every day to encourage your child to make a difference in the world. They are simple ideas that teach kindness, empathy and generosity. Here are the daily acts […]

They said I couldn't and I said "Watch Me"

“Traditionally, non-profits aren’t started by single moms.” “Half of new businesses fail.” “You must have corporate backing to really succeed.” These are just some of the many things I was told when I started Kids Boost. It was a bit deflating yet somehow it ignited the fire inside me. Every time someone said something like […]
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